Friday, November 6, 2009

Why are some running shoes called flats?

Flats are racing shoes, basicly they are as little shoe as possible, in order to be light and so able to give a fast race. They won't have sufficient cushioning or support etc. for training or for very long runs but some top athletes do notice the difference in their times. Injury risk is much higher in this type of shoes than normal running shoes, and only people with extremely efficient running styles should attempt to wear for any prolonged period of time.

Why are some running shoes called flats?
flats are race shoes for cross country races.....they are flat but sturdy and are light, which are used in races because they are light and not as heavy as a regular shoe.
Reply:The other contributors have described "racing" flats. Some people also refer to training shoes as flats. The basic distinction is that flats don't have spikes!

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