Friday, November 6, 2009

What are the best running shoes for women distance running ? ?

Like most other things in life, there is no best, there's only best for you

Don't shop for a brand, shop for a fit.

Go to a shoe store that specializes in running shoes and try on several brands. Don't buy something because you like the color. Tell the salesperson the activities you are going to be doing. Walk around the store. If the store has a treadmill, try them on the treadmill. Find out if the person who is recommending the shoe is a runner.

Don't forget to take a pair of your own socks, the style you always wear for workouts. Stores will have a supply of socks, but you can't count on them to have the style and thickness that you like.

Just a note, most running shoes are not build to take lateral stress. If you are going to participate in activities that require hard side-to-side action, such at basketball or tennis, make sure that your shoe is built to take it.

What are the best running shoes for women distance running ? ?
when u go to the sports shop looking in the running section. make sure the shoe has cushioning, to avoid aches and pains on legs and knees. addidas, reabok, nike, r good


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